Thursday, July 1, 2021



My first step was deciding on a color scheme - not an easy task since I like ALL the colors!

I scanned through eleventy zillion images of Garden District houses on Google and waffled between I love them all and can't choose and I hate them all and none of them are right. Houses in the French Quarter are often more colorfully painted - sometimes a little too colorfully. The Garden District and Lower Garden District tend towards more refinement. Refinement is not often my specialty - just ask my brother.

Some inspiration pics:

French Quarter:

Garden District:

I can't bring myself to go quite THAT subdued so I aimed for something in the middle:

Initially my brother was impressed at my restraint. Then he says now you just have to narrow it down from those and I was like uh, I want ALL of them. So we are still playing with how THAT will all work but I am determined. The top color, the pale grayish blue, will be the body of the house, plenty of white trim to break things up and then I have a darker gray blue, a medium grayed green and a medium plum color. Not sure how those will quite play out but I need to figure it out soon!

The funniest part is that we just finished a total remodel of our real house. As I began my search for a color scheme I was looking at ALL possible options from my endless Pinterest Colors board. Finally began narrowing it down, came down to my final versions and realized - I had all but that plum color from the house remodel so apparently I really like those colors.

My Cricut Maker 3 should arrive today so I am excited (and scared) to see how I can use that for some of the things I want to do on this house.

Next up will be the front door....

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